

SN.TitlePublished DateDetails
1QCBS Marks of Campus Wide Leased Line and Networking 13/09/2024Click Here
2PAC of firmAbboitt healthcare Pvt Ltd20/08/2024Click Here
3Reg to upload the PAC of Mechanical Thrombectomy Coronary System Supplied by Penubra09/08/2024Click Here
4Details of tender June 202422/06/2024Click Here
5Information reg to send the Objection about PAC of OEM Olympus Medical System22/06/2024Click Here
6 Ammendments in E - Tender for CT Scan 1.5 Tesla MRI Machine 1000mA and 250mA Digital X - Ray Machine Service on PPP Basis.24/06/2024Click Here
7Notice reg Proprietry of Scopus Subscription24/06/2024Click Here
8Notice Inviting E-Tender08/06/2024Click Here
9 Expression of Interest03/05/2024Click Here
10Notice inviting E- Tender20/01/2024Click Here
11Tender Notice for Books23/02/2024Click Here
12Tender Notice For Journals25/02/2024Click Here
13List of Qualified / Non Qualified firms in tender01/04/2024Click Here
14Eligible and non Eligible Firms List for Tender No 06 UPUMS [ Notice Board ]23/02/2024Click Here
15Tender No 01 UPUMS MMD Surgical Consumables and Dressing Items Technical Evaluation Report01/04/2024Click Here